The next month I read The Timekeeper (coz I stopped reading it to read A Hundred Names which I could easily bring in the parlor during my treatments & during Red Cross duties) then I finished the book and craved for another book. Then I saw my pile of sale-bought books waiting for me to read, so I selected a trilogy, PURE. As I went out with friends they told me to buy "The Fault in Our Stars" because it is being started to be put into a movie so yeah I bought the book, just as I was going out the store I saw again The First Phone Call From Heaven and I felt guilty.
Came February and I said Shit! 22 days before the book signing and yet you don't have your copy and yet you call yourself a fan girl??? but then I was also saving up for Bruno Mars Live in Manila which is just a month after the book signing. So I went crazy. When we (me, my mom & dad) went to SM BF Paranaque to have lunch I kept on looking at National Bookstore. Thinking should I ask them to buy me The First Phone Call From Heaven, so I was supposed to tell them but then they were busy talking and we went home, then I promised myself Next week, you'll be fixing some requirements, you'll be given money, better get into the mall and buy that thing! After my very very very quick trip in SSS Sucat Rd. I crossed the street to ride the jeep home but I said, This is the time alas! I bought my copy!!! cherished the flyer, covered the book, labeled it instagramed it then I decided Nothing can stop me from seeing my favorite author!!!
Then, a news, my uncle, great grandmom & grandmom from the states will come the same day (dawn) and I was like GAH!!! So I told myself, no I shall stay awake, drink as much coffee, tea, energy drink (which I really dislike and never tried drinking, though I tasted some) as I can. So Came Monday, 5 days before the event, my "boss" told me that I have a schedule for lecture demo, and I said my grandmom & great grandmom would come & use my condo, so I'm supposed to be there to "turn over" the place (and this was not some kind of lame excuse it's true) so he said he'll cancel that out.
Friday night I tried to get home the earliest possible, because I have to wake up at dawn. I did wake up at dawn and went to the airport and the rest was history. I went home (Paranaque) and slept woke up around 6am, prep up but then my mom asked me to let her be the first to use the bathroom to take a bath, then I agreed. But, like the mom she is and the mom I know, she still did some cleaning and fixing and other stuff and just about I was to take a bath since she's not yet starting. She went in first. So I had no choice I just fixed my newly pressed clothes, then dad said, Sabay ka na sa mommy mo. So I rushed to the bathroom when she finished but then she rushed herself and left me behind and I was honestly, pissed off! Good thing dad saw what happened and told me he'll take me to Glorietta.

YES! I'm in...
Got in line, made acquaintances with fellow fans in line and yeah hated the cutters! hahaha... Got my book registered and now all I have to do is WAIT FOR MITCH! But tummy grumbled so I went to McDonalds & bought a McChicken Burger meal. Then went back inside the activity center. Ate my meal and just as I finished a sound check, then I started reading the book. Then people shouted. We look up and yes he was there!!! MITCH!!!
I just felt like a kid seeing his/her favorite mascot. Then I remembered I first stayed in the Glorietta activity center for a Looney Toons show, that was my 1st and last event there, with my grandma. I kinda wish I was with her that time, I remember her asking me about the books and she also tried reading Tuesdays with Morrie and the last book my grandma bought me was For One More Day, and as soon as I heard Mitch telling us that that was the last book his mom read I just sank and got teary-eyed. I tried not to cry during that moment coz I was alone I'll look like a crazy gal there if I did (but if I was with someone I know I would break into tears and still not look stupid) The next thing that made me teary-eyed is when he said he's helping out to build classrooms in Tacloban & I just had that one tear drop (I eventually stopped it to drop coz I had my hand ready to catch it)
After almost 12 hours of waiting I met him in person. And like what I rehearsed in my mind, I gave him my I CHOOSE TO RUN TO SAVE LIVES RC baller and said "Thank you for helping our fellow Filipinos in Tacloban. Here's a souvenir from the Philippine Red Cross" and he said, "Wow! Thank You" and kept looking at it. Then we had that picture I waited for.
It might be a short experience, but mind you it is the first life changing experience for me this year. And forever will I cherish this moment... :D
Hope to see Mitch Albom again when he comes back. I just love his books, his insights and of course his dedication to stay until he can to please the Filipinos.